• 2017
  • Merkel

    Documentary, TV 5, app. 50 Min. , D: Virginie Linhart

    Angela Merkel before the election in a French perspective. Interviews with Lothar de Maizière, Volker Schlöndorff, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Thomas Wieder, Thomas Matussek, Michael Schindhelm a. o.

  • 2016
  • I Exist – nach Rajasthan

    Projekt RAJASTHAN, Koproduktion mit den Dresdner Sinfonikern,
    Marc Sinan – Komposition / Organisation
    Iva Bittová (CZ) – Geige und Gesang
    Damian & Delaine Le Bas (GB) Bühnenbild
    Ein musikdokumentarisches Projekt auf den Spuren der Roma-Kultur.

    Dokumentation vor Ort, Dreh der Bühnenvideos

  • 2015/2016
  • The Safe Birth – Do we need midwives?

    Director: Carola Hauck, HD, 128 Min.

    The film „The safe Birth“ follows the physiological birth.

    It shows how complex birth is from the moment the child gives the signal to be ready to be born.

    The film shows how the neuro-endocrine system works in a physiological birth and how disturbing this process can lead to bad outcomes and physiological birth is a very safe program we have in our reptile brain.

    The film shows how a healthy pregnancy leads into a natural birth if the woman gives birth self-determined and when as less interventions as necessary are done.

    Based on empirical findings the film will show what kind of backup a woman needs to give birth in a healthy way for both her and her child.

  • 2015
  • Komitas

    Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

  • 2014
  • Written by Mrs. Bach

    HD, 52 Min., Director: Alex McCall, Production: Pamela Kaufman, Gunnar Dedio

    This compelling documentary, part love story, 300 year old mystery and detective story, follows the 20 year odyssey of a determined musician and historian who, for the very first time, despite the wrath of scholars worldwide, challenges and confronts the myths surrounding Johann Sebastian Bach. His sensational findings attract an outbreak of global contention. And music history may never be the same….

    Over the years some works previously attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach have been reattributed to other composers, barely causing a ripple in the placid waters within the classical music landscape, but when Forensic Antho-Musicologist, Professor Martin Jarvis, dares to suggest evidence exists advocating the great maestro’s wife, Anna Magdalena, as a serious contender for recognition, the reaction of the Bach orthodoxy is swift and fierce, and access to key research materials is denied. “There will always be those who find themselves threatened by any possible change and this one is particularly threatening because it involves a woman” suggests Dr. Alan Powell, Emeritus Professor of History at Charles Darwin University in Australia. The rapid acceleration of emerging technology and forensic techniques changes beliefs and critical thinking in ways the world has never seen before. US Document examiner, Dr. Heidi Harralson, examines original manuscripts and investigates the impact on the monetary value of Bach autographs. British Composer, Sally Beamish, narrates.

    Dede Korkut – die Kunde von Tepegöz

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  • 2013
  • The girl in the diary

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    Hasretim CD Cover ECM

    Hasretim – eine anatolische Reise

    CD and DVD since September 2013 available on ECM
    More Info:

    Symphony for Palestine

    Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

    Dede Korkut (AT)

    Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

  • 2011
  • Tree Workers Case

    HD, HDCam, 60 Min., Director: Daniela Agostini
    The documentary exposes the biggest case of trafficking in the EU since 20 years, in which thousands of woodsmen were subject to horrific conditions and treated as slaves
    Read more + Trailer:

    Ritter Sport

    HD, Director: Anne Sebald, Production: Tamschick Media + Space
    How to make a chocolate? Filmprojection in the Ritter Sport museum


    HD, 9:20Min, Director: Marc Tamschick, Production: Tamschick Media + Space
    Excerpts of the Matthäuspassion for the Bachhaus in Eisenach

  • 2010
  • Zwischen Liebe und Zorn – Harald Hauswald, Fotograf

    HD, 45 Min. and 60 Min. D.: Jörg Herrmann, Production: Stephan Reiss Filmproduktion
    “Photographers are curious and photography opened my eyes to the world. It was my ticket to the world. I felt fenced during my GDR days. Photography set me free.” Portait of the photographer and artist.


    Deutsche Bahn, HDV, D.: Jonas Greulich
    Oli, a puppet, explains everything related to the Deutsche Bahn to children

    Les Reines Prochaines – Heldinnen des Alltags

    HD, Swiss TV, app. 45 MIn., D.: Claudia Willke
    Documentary about the female Swiss Art collective, their history, way of working and their topical project called DINGS

    Hasretim – eine anatolische Reise

    HDV, app. 100 Min., Videoprojection plus orchestra

    Anatolian musicians, projected on a screen play together with the Dresden sinfonics.
    More info at: http://www.hellerau.org/spielplan/tonlagen-2010/hasretim–eine-anatolische-reise/
    Here’s the trailer

    Ich + Du = Wir / Empathie

    BR Alpha, HD, 45Min., D.: Daniela Agostini
    What is empathy? What the scientific principles?

  • 2009
  • Bartok

    Berliner Philharmonie, HDV, D.: Nina Erfle
    Rehearsal and performance of a Bartok piece. Schoolkids dancing and performing.

    Damals nach der Mauer

    MDR/WDR/Looks, HD, 4 x 45 Min. D.: J. Peter, A. Riecker, U. Biehounek
    Documentary with fiction parts about reunited Germany after the wall came down.
    Documentary parts/Interviews

  • 2008
  • Erstes deutsches Ferndirigat

    Conductor Michael Helmrath in London (!) is leading the Dresden Sinfoniks in Dresden (!). Installation with three cameras, three satellitevans and a barrel-organ.
    Production and camera in London
    Watch the film:

    Erinnern heißt Leben

    Chamäleon Film , HDV, appr. 45 MIn., D.: Heidi Munck
    Schoolkids follow the trails of German jewish girl Hannele Zürndorfer

  • 2007
  • Von Haien und Menschen

    VOX, DM Film und TV Produktion, 2 x 45 MIn., D.: Jean-Luc Guidon
    Documentary about sharks

    Apple & Ei

    Shortfilm, Ahmet Tas, Exilfilm, 5:25 MIn., D.: Ahmet Tas
    In Berlin four times a week, eight hours a day, turkish emigrants sing for…
    apple & ei

    Sex mit dem Ex? Von Trennungen ohne Gewähr (Reihe 37 Grad)

    ZDF, Tangram-Christian Bauer Filmproduktion, 30 MIn., D.: Daniela Agostini
    Documentary about the relations after the relation

    Ernst Heinkel und der Traum vom Fliegen

    NDR, Looksfilm, IMX/Digibeta, 45 MIn., D.: Jörg Herrmann
    Documentary about the airplane designer Ernst Heinkel. Ingenious engineer or fellow traveller of the Nazis?

    Damals im besetzten Deutschland

    MDR/WDR/Looks, HD, 4 x 45 Min. D.: S. Schneider, M. Haentjes
    Documentary with fiction parts about Germany after war and the four occupied zones.
    Documentary camera

  • 2006
  • Operation Star

    Workin 4 Media/Felix von Keudell, HD, ca. 45 MIn., D.: Heidi Munck
    A film about the blind singer Joana Zimmer

  • 2005
  • Besatzerkinder

    NDR Vidicon, IMX, 2 x 45 Min. D.: Reinhard Joksch
    Fates of children with German mothers and fathers of the four occupying
    forces after world war 2

    Napoleon in Deutschland

    MDR/WDR/Looks, HD, 4 x 45 Min. D.: E. Bartlmae, S. Schneider
    Documentary with fiction parts about Napoleon and his time in Germany
    Documentary camera

  • 2004
  • Damals in der DDR (Dreh bis Juli 05)

    MDR/WDR/Looks Filmproduktion, 10 x 45 Min. IMX/Digibeta
    Series about the history of the GDR

  • 2003
  • Aufgehoben oder abgeschoben – Kinderbetreuung in Frankreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz

    Arte. 53 Min.,IMX, D.: Eilika Meinert

    Schachmatt – Die Supermächte hinter der rumänischen Revolution

    Arte, 60 Min. IMX, D: Susanne Brandstätter
    Dokumentary about the revolution in Romania in 1889. 2nd unit
    read more…

  • 2002
  • War-Requiem in Peenemünde

    NDR, Digi Beta. 90 Min. D.: Jörg Herrmann
    Philosophical film about the rocket range Peenemünde
    based on a concert of Benjamin Britten´s war requiem

  • 2001
  • Pina Bausch & Tanztheater Wuppertal, A Portrait by Peter Lindberg

    Channel 4/England´s Lane Prod., Beta, D.: Peter Lindbergh
    The performance of « Der Fensterputzer » directed by Pina Bausch
    seen with the eyes of Peter Lindberg

    Rabih Abou-Khalil – The Cactus of Knowledge

    Rabih Abou-Khalil – The Cactus of Knowledge
    Digi Beta/Mini DV, D.: Thorsten Schütte
    DVD with life music and the making of the CD

  • 2000
  • Love Parade 2000 – Körperfieber ( Reihe 37 Grad )

    ZDF, 30 Min., Beta, D.: Sybille Trost
    Two juvenile crowds – one from East, one from West Germany
    for the first time at the love parade in Berlin

    Mörder weinen nicht ( Reihe 37 Grad )

    ZDF, 30 Min., Beta, D.: Katrin Bühlig
    Wishes, dreams and reality of two discharged murderers

    Kribbeln im Bauch

    BR, 70 Min., Digi Beta, D.: Katrin Bühlig

    A loving film about love at old age

    read more…

  • 1999
  • Solarwärme – Energie auf der Sonnenseite

    35 Min. Beta, D.: Carl Fechner / Gabrielle Ammermann
    Information video for the campagne «Solar – Na klar»

    McKinsey – e commerce

    3 Min. 54 Sec. Mini DV, D: Christopher Schramm
    McKinsey goes e commerce. Documentary part

    Umweltmagazin uno mundo

    EXPO, 24 Films between 1 and 8 Min., Mini DV and Beta, D.: Andreas Bechtold
    Magazine about outstanding ecological ideas of the business world


    EXPO, 3 x 3 Min., Mini DV, D.: Michael Salzbrenner
    3 projects of the international »Jugend forscht« teams

    » m2 «

    EXPO, 5 Min. Digi Beta, D.: Eva Könnemann
    Past, presence and future of a squaremeter soil in Germany

  • 1998
  • Ruhige Feder, arbeitslos

    SWF, 30 Min., Beta/ DV Cam, D.: Andreas Bechtold
    Series: Fundamental values today
    About the right to work. Portrait of a jobless ex-prisoner with fiction parts

    Die Vision von der Solargesellschaft

    ARTE, 15 Min., Beta, D.: A. Bechtold / Carl Fechner
    Essay about an ecological vision:
    What will happen to our society when renewable energies are of highest value?

    Die Lobby der Reichen in den Ländern der Armen

    ARTE, 10 Min., Beta, D: Gabrielle Ammermann
    Film analysis: Notices at the expert conference before the ecological summit
    in Kyoto

    Visions Of Music – World Jazz

    Jones TV (USA), 13 x 30 Min., Mini DV, D: Thorsten Schütte
    Dokumentary about the relation of traditional music and jazz

    Joachim Ernst Berendt – Vom Hören des Unerhörten

    ARTE, 2 x 60 Min., Beta, D.: Willy Meyer
    Documentary about the German »jazz pope« Joachim Ernst Berendt.

    Deutsche Designer

    Deutsche Welle, 3 x 30 Min., Beta, D: Susanne Mayer-Hagmann
    Features about German designers: Konstantin Grcic, Stefan Wewerka
    and Ingo Maurer

  • 1997
  • Containerschiff

    SWF/Filmakademie B.-W. , 45 Min., Super 16mm, D.: Edina Kontsek, Eva Maria Sütterlin
    Documentary about one of the biggest German container ships on its way from Hamburg to Singapore

    Tisch No. 6

    Filmakademie B.- W., 83 Min., Super 16mm, 35mm Blow up, s/w,
    D.: Carola N. Hauck ( Prädikat: besonders wertvoll )
    Nomination at the German camera award in Cologne 2000
    Documentary about medical students attending their anotomical class at the University Freiburg.
    A film about death and the joy of life

  • 1996
  • Glut is´ nix, Feuer is´ alles

    SWF, 60 Min., 16mm, D: Andreas Bechtold
    Documentary about three juveniles living in the streets of Stuttgart
    Diploma film at the Filmakademie in collaboration with the SWF

    Mit Schirm, Charme und Kanone

    WDR, 45 Min., Beta, D: Carl Fechner
    Feature about a female paratrooper at the German army

    Johannes Heesters – Bevor der letzte Vorhang fällt

    ZDF, 75 Min., Super 16mm, 35mm blow up, D.: Katrin Bühlig
    Documentary about actor Johannes Heesters, playing the main role
    in a play at the age of 92. A film about love and the love of life
    Diploma at the Filmakademie

    Dicke e. V.

    SWF, 30 Min., 16mm, D: Katrin Bühlig
    Series: Women today
    Five women talking about the problem of being fat

  • 1995
  • Autobahnpolizei

    SWF/Filmakademie B-W. , 45 Min., 16mm, D.: Andreas Bechtold
    Feature about a police patrol on a motorway


    SWF/Filmakademie B.-W., 45 Min. 35mm Scope, D: Frank Müller,
    (Prädikat: besonders wertvoll)
    Essay about love and feeling of North Germans of their native land

    Winter 11

    Animation, 3 Min., 16mm, D.: Michael Salzbrenner
    Grey lethargy in a room : the apple eater, the smoker and the shadowman
    cannot break through the everlasting circle of events